How To Get Advanced Reader Copies Of Books – This one is my favorite and have used the longest. This site is easy to use and has the same books offered as Edelweiss. You will have to read some of the lesser known authors to build your rapport, but once you get going you will find publishers will add you for auto approval. Just don’t make the same mistake as me and request more books than you can possibly read in a month. My current TBR on there is twenty three books! Twenty three! Netgalley will email you when you’ve been approved for a book, along with weekly updates and reminders.

————- – Fairly new to the scene, it’s easy to use like Netgalley. What I loved about this site though is they have stats. You feed your Goodreads profile in there, and you get neat stats like this.


————- – I don’t know if it’s luck or maybe the site isn’t popular, but I won the very first book I asked for. The nice thing about this site is if you review books that you’ve read, you gain points towards redeeming books that you want.

————- –  I don’t use this site, even after I got over how horrendous the user layout is, it’s like a crap shoot of actually getting books approved.