Goddess of Filth by V. Castro

Published by: Creature Publishing
Pub Date: 30 Mar 2021
Genre: Horror
Pages: 156
Date Read: 08 Mar 2023
      I enjoyed "Goddess of Filth" well enough. Hardly a horror, though there are certainly moments where I felt scared and not from the source I had imagined. The Goddess was actually a supportive caring entity to the young women.

     What brought my rating down was my inability to place this on a timeline. One minute they are listenting to TLC and watching the movie "The Craft", the next minute they are texting each other. Those two things don't belong and threw me off probably more that it should. I went scouring the reviews after I was finished to see if anyone else had this issue, but it seems it was just me.

Twelve Nights at Rotter House by J.W. Ocker

Published by: Turner
Pub Date: 19 Nov 2019
Genre: Horror
Pages: 304
Date Read: 03 Mar 2023
This whole thing is a spoiler!

     I normally have no issues with abandoning a book, but with less than 100 pages from the end, I finished this. Solely so I could count it as read for all my trouble.

     I felt so duped. I liked Felix at the beginning. I liked his relationship with his wife. I liked that his best friend came to be with him in a haunted house. I would actually want to do something like this in real life. I love the idea of this book! Such an interesting take. By the end, though, the main character Felix is an unlikable dirtbag. His monologing about how shitty his life became, because of Thomas, was becoming unbearable to read. I hated that this was not in fact a ghost story with real freaking ghosts and instead was just some asshole who murders his wife and best friend, then descends into madness over it.

      I used to spoil books quite often. I would jump to the end to see if it was all worth it. I had, until this book, stopped doing that. When Thomas shows up, it is hinted that there was some sort of rift between them. Then it was hinted at nonstop, without any explanation as to what it was. When I didn't actually see what I was looking for in my "skimming the ending", I went online and read the one star reviews. So I finished the book, fully aware of Thomas being dead and just a product of Felix's imagination. Even without that knowledge, Felix just becomes so unlikable and whiny, forcing Thomas to be sad and contrite. Which yes he should be looking for a way to redeem himself IF HE WEREN'T DEAD! There's also a sleazy line about how he "viciously laid claim" and just yikes.

      I think had I gone into this not expecting a ghost story, I would have liked it. That's not what I got and I'm disappointed.

Silver Nitrate by Silvia Moreno-Garcia

Published by:Ballantine Books
Pub Date: 18 Jul 2023
Genre: Horror
Pages: 336
Date Read: 03 Jan 2023
      When I was a little younger, I fancied myself as someone who liked to read great huge tomes. In reality, as I've grown older, I've accepted the fact that I'm more of a novella type of gal. For some reason I lose interest in a book when I feel like the story is advancing too slowly. With Silvia Moreno-Garcia writing, her stories are so packed full and you just don't really want it to end. So she seems to be one of my exceptions to the rule.

      Set in Mexico, 1993, Montserrat and her best friend since childhood Tristan are now approaching their forties. Both in the entertainment business, Montserrat is a sound editor and Tristan an actor. The first thing I liked about this duo was that the relationship felt real. Although Montserrat had a crush on Tristan when they were younger, it is a subject firmly behind them, and only picked at by Montserrat when she is upset. Montserrat has a no bullshit approach to most things in life, while Tristan has the playboy attitude you would associate with heart throb actors.

      Montserrat is a horror film enthusiast and has seen them all, except Beyond the Yellow Door directed by Abel Urueta. Beyond the Yellow Door is an obscure movie in which little is known, so when Tristan chances upon Abel Urueta as a new neighbor, he sets to work right away in getting Montserrat a meeting with him. There they discuss his film and discover that it was actually a good luck ritual designed by an occultist that was never completed. Since Tristan is an actor and Montserrat has access to record the sound, perhaps they could complete it and gain the benefits? If I were in their shoes, I too probably would have completed it. This is horror, though, so the luck doesn't last for long.

      I had known that there were Nazi's in Argentina, but I had not known that there were Nazi's in Mexico, and this story provided an interesting history lesson. Frankly, I spent a great deal of time looking a lot of things up mentioned. The movies, which are listed below, have given me a new list that I want to work down and watch. Pictures of Mexico (because I have never been there) and the markets, specifically Mercado de Sonora. Lastly, she notes at the end some of her inspirations and I spent more time looking up lost films and daydreaming about the mysteries that could surround them.


      Here are two quotes that I particularly loved and wanted to share;

Chapter 7 -- Page: 119

     And on bad days, if you told me what I had to do to time travel was rub chicken’s blood on my face and dance around the living room, I might. It’s stupid, but it’s also a bit of hope, and hope is hard to come by.”

Chapter 7 -- Page: 122

     He understood this the same way he realized he was sometimes annoyingly childish in his demands and affection. But it was the only way he truly knew how to love someone.


      Anyways, this novel was clearly researched in the ways movies are made, and told to the reader in an expert way that doesn't beat you over the head with terminology without definitions. The characters are well thought out, and all have their own personalities. I really loved this book and look forward to seeing it get the praise it deserves.


Vacaciones de terror
Child's Play
The Amityville Horror
Lola la trailera
Knight Rider
Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth
The Evil Dead
Hasta el viento tiene miedo (Even the Wind Is afraid)
Cat People
Jir%C3%B3n de Niebla (Giron de niebla)
Three Men and a Baby
Tarzan and the Mermaids
Jorodowsky%E2%80%99s Dune
The Other Side of the Wind
The Black Cat
The Devil Rides Out
The Night of the Iguana
Dead Ringers
The Seventh Seal
Nightmare on Elm Street
The Blob
The Old Dark House
The Mummy
Alcanzar una Estrella
Mujer Casos de la Vida Real
The Count of Monte Cristo
Terror at the Opera
La Telaraña
The Bride of Frankenstein
El Monstruo Resucitado
La Bruja
London After Midnight

The Spite House by Johnny Compton

Published by: Tor Nightfire
Publication Date: February 7, 2023
Genre: Horror
Pages: 272
Date Read: 11 Nov 2022
     "A spite house is a building constructed or substantially modified to irritate neighbors or any party with land stakes. Because long-term occupation is not the primary purpose of these houses, they frequently sport strange and impractical structures." - Wikipedia

     A spite house stands like an eyesore on a hill almost too steep to hold it. Rumors have that people go into it and disappear, almost as if they were gobbled up by the house. For Eric and his daughters though, it is the means to a life that will allow them relative safety and control.

     I enjoyed the story well enough. I wanted to know more about the Ross family and only wished that maybe the answers were given slightly sooner than they were. That is more my issue than with the writing and made me want to read on. I cared for the father Eric and found his character relatable. The only thing that I found to really drag was that the information that was given earlier on was repeated multiple times and I found that towards the end I skimmed over a few passages only because it was something I had already read and understood about the characters.

A House With Good Bones by T. Kingfisher

Published by: Tor Nightfire
Publication Date:28 Mar 2023
Genre: Horror
Pages: 256
Source: NetGalley
Date Read: 04 Oct 2022
     This isn't so much as a review as it is a plea to get auto-approved for this author. I think at this point I can say there isn't a horror (or any other genre) I won't read from T.Kingfisher. Would it be impossible to just have the arc's sent to me without me requesting them? Pretty please?

Other books read by this author:

Thornhedge A House With Good Bones Nettle and Bone What Moves the Dead

Creepy Cat Vol. 1 by Cotton Valent

Published by: Seven Seas
Publication Date: 10/19/2021
Genre: Comics & Graphic Novels
Pages: 128
Source: Edelweiss
Date Read: 14 Mar 2022
      "A full-color young adult graphic novel series that originated as a webcomic about a beloved ghostly cat!

      Flora moves into a mysterious mansion and finds it inhabited by a strange creature - Creepy Cat! Thus begins her strange and sometimes dangerous life with a feline roommate. This Gothic comedy brings the chuckles...and the chills!

      Since 2014, Cotton Valent's hilarious webcomic Meawbin The Creepy Cat has charmed online audiences across the world. Enjoy this full-color graphic novel series for audiences new and old!"

      I finished this cute webcomic in a few hours and enjoyed all of it. From Flora, the creepy cat(s), and the police officer, it was all so cute!

      I had never heard of Creepy Cat or the author/artist Cotton Valent, but now I have her webcomic bookmarked just so I can read more.

      She also has another webcomic called "Glitch" which looks amazing as well.

Weep, Woman, Weep by Maria DeBlassie

      Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing this e-arc in exchange for an honest review.
      I enjoyed this story very much. I don't know if it's because I was also reading "The Unlikely Escape of Uriah Heep" at the same time, but I at moments felt a really deep connection with Mercy and could visualize Mercy's Farm and the feeling of joining her on her couch to read. Anyway, it's a good tale of overcoming loss and finding what it is to learn to love oneself and allowing others into your life. Not so much horror, though.... I would have loved it if La Llorona were a little more present in the story.
Published by: BooksGoSocial
Published Date: 25 Aug 2021
Genre: Horror
Pages: 135
Source: NetGalley
Date Read: 17 Feb 2022

The Haunting of Beatrix Greene

      Around 100 pages, this little book packs a nice scary punch. The story telling is centered around Beatrix a phony medium, Harry her oldest friend, James the disbeliever, Amanda Reynolds, and Stanhope. James hires Beatrix to spend one night in Ashbury Manor, a home infamous for the killings that occurred there.

      I enjoyed this book, but a few things that were jarring were the three separate authors. I hadn't noticed it at first, but then when I noticed the author under each new chapter, it put me in mind of a new story. The anger between the two main characters and then them falling in love felt forced. If this book were a little longer and the story a little more developed, I would have liked it more.

Published by: Serial Box
Publication Date: 28 Oct 2020
Genre: Historical Fiction | Horror | Romance
Pages: 100
Date Read: 25 Sep 2020