The Children on the Hill by Jennifer McMahon

Published by: Gallery/Scout Press
Published Date: 26 Apr 2022
Genre: Mystery & Thrillers
Pages: 338
Source: NetGalley
Date Read: 18 Mar 2022
      Thank you NetGalley, Jennifer McMahon, and Gallery Books for allowing me the opportunity to read this e-arc.

      This is a slow burn mystery alternating between two separate timelines, 1970’s and 2019, and told mainly between Vi and Lizzy’s viewpoint. I personally found wanting to skim through Vi’s (1970’s) timeline and get back to the present day story. There was a lot more description and telling in the earlier story line.

      Speaking of telling, there was a lot of obvious clues as to the ending strewn throughout the whole book. Really obvious clues. I’m not complaining though as this was still an entertaining read.

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