A House With Good Bones by T. Kingfisher

Published by: Tor Nightfire
Publication Date:28 Mar 2023
Genre: Horror
Pages: 256
Source: NetGalley
Date Read: 04 Oct 2022
     This isn’t so much as a review as it is a plea to get auto-approved for this author. I think at this point I can say there isn’t a horror (or any other genre) I won’t read from T.Kingfisher. Would it be impossible to just have the arc’s sent to me without me requesting them? Pretty please?

Other books read by this author:

Thornhedge A House With Good Bones Nettle and Bone What Moves the Dead

Nettle & Bone by T. Kingfisher

Published by: Tor Books
Publication Date: 26 Apr 2022
Genre: Fantasy
Pages: 245
Source: NetGalley
Date Read: 23 Mar 2022
      Thank you NetGalley, T. Kingfisher and Macmillan-Tor/Forge, for allowing me the opportunity to read this e-arc.

      I loved this book so so much. It has a bone dog (wish I could make one of my own), magical godmothers, women who can raise the dead, and a sweet slow burn romance. I finished this one way too quickly and now feel ejected out of a world that I wish I could live in a little bit longer.

Other books read by this author:

Thornhedge A House With Good Bones Nettle and Bone What Moves the Dead

Creepy Cat Vol. 1 by Cotton Valent

Published by: Seven Seas
Publication Date: 10/19/2021
Genre: Comics & Graphic Novels
Pages: 128
Source: Edelweiss
Date Read: 14 Mar 2022
      “A full-color young adult graphic novel series that originated as a webcomic about a beloved ghostly cat!

      Flora moves into a mysterious mansion and finds it inhabited by a strange creature – Creepy Cat! Thus begins her strange and sometimes dangerous life with a feline roommate. This Gothic comedy brings the chuckles…and the chills!

      Since 2014, Cotton Valent’s hilarious webcomic Meawbin The Creepy Cat has charmed online audiences across the world. Enjoy this full-color graphic novel series for audiences new and old!”

      I finished this cute webcomic in a few hours and enjoyed all of it. From Flora, the creepy cat(s), and the police officer, it was all so cute!

      I had never heard of Creepy Cat or the author/artist Cotton Valent, but now I have her webcomic bookmarked just so I can read more.

      She also has another webcomic called “Glitch” which looks amazing as well.

What Moves the Dead by T. Kingfisher

Published by: Tor Nightfire
Publication Date: 12 Jul 2022
Genre: Fantasy
Pages: 165
Source: NetGalley
Date Read: 17 Feb 2022
      I have been a fan of T. Kingfisher for a few books now and this book just strengthens the feeling. There’s a scene in which a rabbits lung is described and it was one of my first thoughts this morning. That image and what it would mean if it happened to me… first thing upon waking up makes my brain feel weird.

      I really enjoyed the main character’s point of view and the jabs at Americans. I kind of wish the story were longer.

Other books read by this author:

Thornhedge A House With Good Bones Nettle and Bone What Moves the Dead

Weep, Woman, Weep by Maria DeBlassie

      Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing this e-arc in exchange for an honest review.
      I enjoyed this story very much. I don’t know if it’s because I was also reading “The Unlikely Escape of Uriah Heep” at the same time, but I at moments felt a really deep connection with Mercy and could visualize Mercy’s Farm and the feeling of joining her on her couch to read. Anyway, it’s a good tale of overcoming loss and finding what it is to learn to love oneself and allowing others into your life. Not so much horror, though…. I would have loved it if La Llorona were a little more present in the story.
Published by: BooksGoSocial
Published Date: 25 Aug 2021
Genre: Horror
Pages: 135
Source: NetGalley
Date Read: 17 Feb 2022

The Haunting of Beatrix Greene

      Around 100 pages, this little book packs a nice scary punch. The story telling is centered around Beatrix a phony medium, Harry her oldest friend, James the disbeliever, Amanda Reynolds, and Stanhope. James hires Beatrix to spend one night in Ashbury Manor, a home infamous for the killings that occurred there.

      I enjoyed this book, but a few things that were jarring were the three separate authors. I hadn’t noticed it at first, but then when I noticed the author under each new chapter, it put me in mind of a new story. The anger between the two main characters and then them falling in love felt forced. If this book were a little longer and the story a little more developed, I would have liked it more.

Published by: Serial Box
Publication Date: 28 Oct 2020
Genre: Historical Fiction | Horror | Romance
Pages: 100
Date Read: 25 Sep 2020

House of Salt and Sorrows by Erin A. Craig

      This story is such an interesting retelling, with just the right about of spookiness to kick off the season.
      “You can, of course, but do you remember what we talked about before the funeral? You know Eulalie isn’t here anymore. She’s with Mama and Elizabeth now, in the Brine.”
      I felt her nod. “She keeps pulling my sheets off, though.”
      I blinked once before turning to snatch it up. When I left, the door slammed shut after me, as if pushed by unseen hands.
      “It works that way on the mainland,” he allowed. “But on the islands, estates are passed to the eldest child, regardless of sex. Many strong women have ruled over the Salann Islands. My grandmother inherited Highmoor when her father passed away. She doubled the size of the Vasa shipyard and tripled the profits.”

      How refreshing for this line to be delivered from the father/husband – current head of the household? Too many stories are set where it’s the son who inherits, and I’m here for this new way.
      The one downside I had with the story was that even by the end I still had no real idea of all the sisters, not really caring to remember their names.

Published by: Delacorte Press
Publication Date: 26 Aug 2019
Genre: Fantasy
Pages: 406
Date Read: 20 Sep 2020