The Butcher of the Forest by Premee Mohamed

Published by: Tor Publishing Group
Pub Date: 27 Feb 2024
Genre: Sci Fi & Fantasy
Pages: 368
Date Read: 09 Feb 2024
      Thank you Netgalley, author, and the publishers for allowing me the opportunity to read this e-arc. I look forward to reading more from this author.

     No one goes into the north woods and makes it back out. Except for one.

     When The Tyrants children leave in the middle of the night to see what the woods are like, Veris knows the chances of getting them back out are low. However, she is the only person to have done it, and so, with her family being held hostage by The Tyrant goes into the woods to retrieve the children.

     I enjoyed this novella so much! I loved the woods, and just how alive they are. I loved the depictions of the creatures (whoever knew a scarf could cause my heart to race?). Most of all, I loved Veris. She is a strong, capable woman, who just sets out to get things done. Not out of bravado, not even out of a sense of duty. Just love for her family. She showed incredible empathy and didn’t whine about her situation. However, there is a bit of the story that almost made me quit the whole thing. I am not going to go into details, but to say that I do not care for authors who use sexual trauma (out of nowhere) as a plot point.

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