Title & Author: Haunt Sweet Home by Sarah Pinsker
Published by: Tor Publishing Group | Tordotcom
Pub Date: Jan 28 2025
Genre: General Fiction (Adult) | Sci Fi & Fantasy
Pages: 192
Date Read: 2024/08/03
Rating: ★★★★☆
I had started to read this book after failing to read Cherie Priest’s “The Family Plot”. This book delivered in all the right ways for a ghost story. I’m a huge fan of the “cozy horror” genre and really just want more books like this, maybe with a little more scare, just a pinch more though.

Title & Author: Diavola by Jennifer Marie Thorne
Published by: Tor Nightfire
Pub Date: March 26 2024
Genre: General Fiction (Adult) | Sci Fi & Fantasy
Pages: 296
Date Read: 2024/08/16
Rating: ★☆☆☆☆
I skipped a few chapters and skimmed more, but I’m counting this book as read darn it because I had put so much time into reading it that I do not want the wasted effort. This book should have been considered finished by the 60% mark, that would have made it so, so much better. Don’t get me started on the ending. I had to read endless pages where Anna’s family just use her as a punching bag, why not remove some of that and flesh out the ending more? Oh man, I hated this book even though there were genuine parts that scared me.
Edited to add: Actually, I’m coming back to add that I’m so angry at this book, because it almost caused a reading slump.
Edited to add (again): jeez I probably should have thought this one out more. Anyways, I will say it is clear that Jennifer Marie Thorne can write. Up until the 60%ish mark I was hooked. Just got so dang boring.